INFO-ATARI16 Digest Sat, 9 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 780 Today's Topics: Appraisal of FORM (was Re: The Relevance of the FORM) Comments on STE -- (un)known facts How to quiet a 1040ST Problem with Uniterm 2.0e Question: Saving the Menu Bar What Kermit/UNITERM bugs? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 8 Dec 89 17:37:54 GMT From: attcan!utgpu!watserv1! (Commander Brett Maraldo) Subject: Appraisal of FORM (was Re: The Relevance of the FORM) Message-ID: <> I have been learning FORM and I must say that it is absolutely wonderful. I can't believe it was released PD. For a little over 100K, FORM is *very& powerful. I have been using it to manipulate some simple gravitational field tensor equations. One question concerning the wildcard ?: if we have n defined as a symbol and v defined as a function, does n? mean any symbol and v? mean any function? If do, declaring n and s to be symbols, does n? = s? ? Brett L Maraldo -- -------- Unit 36 Research --------- "Alien Technology Today" ?uunet!clyde!utai?!watserv1!bmaraldo ------------------------------ Date: 8 Dec 89 21:47:40 GMT From: imagen!atari!kbad@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Ken Badertscher) Subject: Comments on STE -- (un)known facts Message-ID: <1871@atari.UUCP> dag@per2.UUCP (Daniel A. Glasser) writes: | I'm glad that you folks have finally caught up with 1982 in that area [...] Thank you for slamming us about something which you admit you don't know about. | Will the "Cookie Jar" ever appear in a revision to TOS for the older machines? Not necessary. It's not a function call, it's a service provided by the startup code, and it isn't necessary on existing machines, because the services they provide are known. It is possible for people with exotic devices on older machines to have the drivers for said devices install a cookie jar in the auto folder, for example. | Is there a reasonable way to detect that there is no cookie jar on a machine | which a program can use? Yes. If the new system variable which points to the Cookie Jar is zero, you're on an old machine. | If calling this function on an older OS causes a | buss error or similar unpredictable or unacceptable behavior, I'll be VERY | dissapointed. (Warning, sarcasm ahead) As everyone knows well from following this news group, it is always our policy when enhancing the OS to make it as incompatible as we can. If it was hard to code, it should be hard to use. It was a tough decision to leave out of the Cookie Jar spec the feature which would have caused the machine to reboot on older TOS versions, but somehow we resisted the temptation. -- ||| Ken Badertscher (ames!atari!kbad) ||| Atari R&D System Software Engine / | \ #include ------------------------------ Date: 9 Dec 89 05:32:33 GMT From:!!!hugh@tut.cis.ohio-state.e du (D. Hugh Redelmeier) Subject: How to quiet a 1040ST Message-ID: <> Recently 880139h [is that a first or last name?] at aucs asked what he could do about his noisy 1040ST. I sent him this, but he apparently doesn't know that netiquette requires him to post a summary. Anyway, I got the following from Atari Canada's BBS a few years ago. It worked for me. Note: these are not guaranteed by Atari or by me. Hugh Redelmeier ?utcsri, yunexus, utzoo, hcr?!redvax!hugh When all else fails: +1 416 482-8253 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Does your 1040 whine? When you boot up do you get the mosquito repellent? If so, this is for you. It is the "official" Atari 1040 power supply fix for 1040's that have a high pitched whine emitting from them. The problem is the switching power supply that is used for the RS-232 port. It is supposed to switch at around 18 Khz, but due to parts tolerances, it sometimes falls lower than that, the result being a irritating "whine". It has falsely been decribed as "drive whine", and defective power supply modules. The circuitry is actually on the motherboard. This mod also cures a video "flutter" that sometimes occurs. Faint horizontal bars float up and down the screen. If you are not faint of heart, here are the instructions for the modification. Note: I _do not_ recommend this if you are not familiar with electronics! You will be playing with the power supply, and if done incorrectly, could fry your ST! I am providing this info so that the folks that are out of warranty can do it themselves. Also some dealers may not be familiar with the problem (well, Dave Groves was also twisting my arm!). I do not accept reponsibility for any permanent mushroom clouds that you may cause, though I will be happy to help out if things go wrong (advice!). Ok, here goes: Take the case off of your 1040. Remove the power supply module. It's pretty straightforward, as there is a plug for the wires. Untwist the grounding tabs on the shield and lift the shield off of the PC board. The parts to change are on the motherboard, below where the power supply was, and to the right of the ROMS. Change: Part no. From To R17 1 ohm 5 ohms L4 100 uh 220 uh C28 100 pf 330 pf Now, looking at the 1040 from the front, here is where the stuff is: R17 is one ohm (brown - black - black), and is below C26 (yes, that _is_ a capacitor!). L4 is the resistor looking thingy to the right of the I.C., a TL497. It's color code is brown - black - brown. C28 is located to the left of the I.C., next to a larger black capacitor. It's color code is also brown - black - brown. While these locations should be accurate, please note that they could, and may change at any time! It is very important that you replace the correct components. You will need a good soldering iron, and solder of course. A desoldering bulb, pump or solder wick is also needed. Parts should be +/- 5 % . Be sure and check the voltage at JP2 and JP3 (red and blue wires) for +/- 12 volts, +/- 15%. If not, it's time for the service center! The only part that is usually hard to find is the inductor L4. It is available from Newark Electronics (they have branches all over the place!). The part no. is 35F1885 and is called a Deci-Ductor. They cost around $4.00. Well, that's about it. Hopefully after this point you will power up to blissful silence (and saved some $$$ to boot!). Good luck! Mark Sloatman 74206,356 ------------------------------ Date: 8 Dec 89 14:30:00 GMT From: inmet! Subject: Problem with Uniterm 2.0e Message-ID: <30200032@inmet> Thanks to Mark Storin for help on this problem. The solution was to go to the settings menu and turn off Tektronix graphics mode. I hadn't been in that screen before and didn't know the switch was there. ===================================================================== | | | Keith Hedger : ?...!?uunet!inmet!hedger | | 'It is a sad, but beautiful world..........' | ===================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: 8 Dec 89 22:28:48 GMT From: imagen!atari!kbad@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Ken Badertscher) Subject: Question: Saving the Menu Bar Message-ID: <1872@atari.UUCP> gl8f@bessel.acc.Virginia.EDU (Greg Lindahl) asks: | what's the best way to save the menu bar? The menu bar area is the area of the screen _outside_ of that returned by wind_get( 0, WF_WORKXYWH, ... ). This is in the AES manual, section 11.2 "Using The Window Library", page 11-7. -- ||| Ken Badertscher (ames!atari!kbad) ||| Atari R&D System Software Engine / | \ #include ------------------------------ Date: 7 Dec 89 14:21:58 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!edcastle! (M Davidson) Subject: What Kermit/UNITERM bugs? Message-ID: <> In article <89337.135453SML108@PSUVM.BITNET> SML108@PSUVM.BITNET writes: >On the subject of kermits and ST's... > >I also use the Uniterm Kermit to transfer to and from my ST. it works fine wit >h VAX computer systems, however weird, VERY WEIRD stuff happens with Unix sys- >tems, both System V and 4.3bsd. It works fine transferring text files, but >gives a potpourri of errors with binary files. This DOES NOT HAPPEN ON VAXES! [stuff deleted] Strange, I've downloaded loads of stuff from a Sys V UNIX machine and it always works fine - the only time it doesn't is when I forget to set the '-i' option on the UNIX kermit (for binary mode transfer). There's maybe something wrong with your UNIX kermit (although I have heard of some sort of bug in Uniterm's Kermit but it always works OK for me)... >Scott Le Grand aka SML108@PSUVM.PSU.EDU Mark Davidson ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #780 *****************************************